Monday, May 27, 2013

Redib Tumblr Template

Redib Tumblr Template - Blog Tumblr

Redib is a simple & clean template for a tumblr blog. It comes with lots of social features built in including post sharing and disqus commenting integration. Redib supports all post types and has a built in twitter feed. Redib allows for you to easily import your own logo onto your blog.

General Features

  • Disqus Commenting

  • All Post Types Supported

  • Supported by all major browsers

  • Custom CSS Support

  • Social Integration

  • Custom Logo

Post Features

  • Social Sharing

  • Disqus Commeting

  • Post Meta information including, date, note count, comments count and tags

Sidebar Features

  • Special About me block including an avatar, description, name and job position

  • Search Field

  • Twitter Feed

  • Post Sharing for all major social networks

Any of the images or audio in the preview are NOT included in the download.

Redib contains Icons by Glyphicons

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